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Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Long break


Taking a huge break from school cos it's the holidays.

Next up would be internship. I hope it's a company doing the stuffs I wanna do. ><

Staying at home has been really bored. It's time I exercise. I wanna get a skateboard, or a basketball. Which one first? Hahaha... Walking with Mochi gets me to understand her a bit further.

I'm half wishing SP could be nearer, and half wishing my home could be nearer to SP. And putting those together, going to school will take half the time. It takes 2 hands to clap right? If both sides can compromise, the world would be so much better. Hahaha.

All schools should be located in Raffles Place, Orchard, and Dhoby Ghaut.

JazZoo posted at 1:17 AM


Friday, August 14, 2009


JazZoo posted at 12:51 AM


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blogger upload is cheesing me off... I shall stop posting for today. Take whatever you want. =)

JazZoo posted at 1:22 AM


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our class is having a BBQ at Kenny's this Friday =D

I'm fully booked from Friday to Sunday, people.

Off to Sims.


JazZoo posted at 11:49 AM


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hello... I'm using a mac and i dunno how to use it. Bleh... 


JazZoo posted at 5:30 PM


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

SP is taking temperature from 5th May onwards. TP takes from 4th May. Hahahahaha... I love forums. I've got friends from EVERYWHERE!!! And my friend's junior in secondary school happened to join Jazz Band. So I'm gonna surprise her today. =D Come to think of it, isn't she now MY junior? :O

I quit restaurant city liao. MINNA!! FOLLOW MEEEEEE~~

JazZoo posted at 10:48 AM


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

20 more days to first day of year 2. Are you all happy? 1 year has passed and that was really fast ye... =)

JazZoo posted at 1:46 PM


Friday, February 27, 2009

Sorry just felt like fangirling. =D

THE JE MEME! :D (By theproudpenguin)
The favorites (only one answer for each question)::
Who's your favorite idol in the Johnny's Entertainment?Arioka Daiki
Your favorite group?Hey! Say! JUMP
Your favorite dorama with JE idols in it?Yukan Club
Your favorite pairing (or trio)? (i.e. akame, tegomass, ryopi, etc)DaiChi (Daiki x Chinen)
Your favorite show in which a JE band is the host?Shounen Club
Your favorite song? (tough one, I know)White X'Mas by KAT-TUN
Your favorite DVD? (i.e. Kat-Tun's Real Face Tour, NEWS' Never Ending Wonderful Story, Kanjani8's Spirits, etc.)Hey! Say! JUMP's debut concert
Other (only one answer;you can explain your answer) ::
The JE idol you want to meet the most?Arioka Daiki
Who's the sexiest?Yamada Ryosuke
Who's the cutest?Chinen Yuuri
The one you know you will have a good conversation with? (or the one you seem to have the most in common)Arioka Daiki
The one that is making you laugh the most?Taguchi Junnosuke
The one you want to see crying?Tegoshi Yuya
The one you won't go "akjosngodg.sgtj^c" if you ever see him on the street?
The one you will do anything just to shake his hand or take a picture with?Tegoshi Yuya
The group you have the more pictures on your computer?Hey! Say! JUMP
Your best memory of a Shounen Club episode? (i.e. Shige stripping, NewS abake, Romantic skit w/ Kat-Tun and Kanjani8, etc.)One where Massu said "Panda" as a very random thing.
You really want to be __s' sister.Chinen Yuuri
The group that have the best member ai?NewS
The band who's closer to their fans?NewS
Which JE idol have the greatest clothing taste?Hey! Say! JUMP
The boy you want to see in an An An photoshoot? (or any sexy photoshoot)Taguchi Junnosuke
Your reactions?
If you were in a restaurant, and Shige and Koyama show up, your first reaction is __Ah~ Doumo KoyaShige!
Your first travel to Japan and you're all excited! As you look at the other side of the street, you see Yamapi and Jin looking cool and anonymous. Your first reaction is__OMG YAMAPI! Huh... Jin -.-
You've read on Internet that your favorite group may come to your country for a photoshoot soon. You__Look for details and apply for a home video job to video them.
There is it! The pairing you've been shipping for like forever has finally come out, and it's all over the Internet! Your first reaction is ___WHAAAAT!?!?!
You're still in Japan and you're walking on the street, just having fun by yourself. Then you bump into someone and fall on the ground. As you look up, you see that it's the one and only Kamenashi. Your first reaction__Ah, Kame-san gomen...
Your trip is over, and you have to come back to your country. As you're heading to your seat on the plane, you see Kamenashi and Yamapi sitting right next to your seat. Your first reaction_Hello... We meet again.
TOP 5! (1 being your favorite, 5 your least favorite)
Top 5 Groups!
1:Hey! Say! JUMP
Top 5 Idols!
1:Arioka Daiki
2:Chinen Yuuri
3:Tegoshi Yuya
4:Taguchi Junnosuke
5:Masuda Takahisa
Top 5 Songs!
1:White X'mas
2:On Your Mind
3:Fly Again
5:Our Story ~prologue~


JazZoo posted at 9:35 PM


Thursday, February 19, 2009

WTH is wrong with the uploader... It seems like it can't read colors nor shapes. Omg... Well... this is barely what you see for my T-shirt design (as requested by JY). It's not blue and dark blue lor. It's yellow and orange!

JazZoo posted at 3:22 PM


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Awww... Class photos... Thanks cher for providing camera. =D
This class is my favourite. ><

JazZoo posted at 5:14 PM


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is there any difference towards the first drawing? :D

JazZoo posted at 11:17 PM


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Distortion... Zzzz... Hahaha... Guess who's this ^^
Thanks to Drawing module... i'm able to post something every week =D

JazZoo posted at 11:21 PM


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Granny is getting ready for reservice... eh? Hahahaha...

JazZoo posted at 1:01 AM


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sucks la sucks laaa... Well it was charcoal... Hard to erase. Mistakes here and there. Blaaaah.

JazZoo posted at 10:24 PM


Thursday, January 1, 2009
Jazz Club Poster

White Version:
Blue Version:

Black Version

Can you see this? Does it look okay?

JazZoo posted at 5:25 PM


Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Drawing lesson!

Hi all! This is my first post since the blogskin was changed. =) Let's talk about our Drawing module ^^ We drew side-front portraits of the elderly pictures today. 1 lady and 1 man. Most of us drew the man. Hahaha...
This is Zhang Ke, our trustworthy classmate.

The 4 of us who camwhored. Haha! From shortest to tallest. Save me =(

This is Alvin's ah ma drawing.
This is Rahimi's.
The ah pek photo is this.
Shawn's punk rocker.
Ching Wen's came-from-China ancestor businessman
My rich-but-went-to-old-folk's-home ah pek drawing.

I have to improve on my shadows, still. ROAR!! MIMI TEACH ME!

Well... It's the first week of term 3 already. Time really zooms like Sonic. First day was a bad sign already: I was late for 15minutes. Perpetual late comer - Me. Luckily lecturers haven't started. Heh heh... 2nd day too. Baaaa... My New Year's resolution is to have wisdom, then I'll be wise enough not to be late anymore. =)

Editing video is hard. We can't start properly. Zzzz... And storyboarding bla bla bla...

Ok enjoy your New Year all. Happy 2009!

JazZoo posted at 4:40 PM


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our VAF filming's finally done!! WOW... We're so efficient. I'm sooooo happy too! Hahaha... All the major shots done. Just hope those voice overs are good enough. =)

Thank you very much JY for your acting. Professional neh... xD


JazZoo posted at 7:32 PM


Monday, October 13, 2008

School has started... I got into the GEMs I wanted - Film Appreciation. Seriously I hope it's as close to what I wanna learn. Zzzz... Really enjoyed my holidays. Went to work for the first time in my life, and went to Japan, first time in my life too... Shiok right. T_T So happy. Hahahahahaha... Now's lunch break. There's a storyboarding module later at 2. What exactly do we learn? O.o And Jazz Band later. I've not been going for a month already. Sorry. o.o"

JazZoo posted at 1:26 PM


Thursday, August 21, 2008


JazZoo posted at 5:52 PM


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Met classmates and didn't go for our optional DVDE practical lesson (what a typical class would do) and went for bowling. Hahaha... SOOOO COOL~

Nice angle I took here (starring Nury)

Rolls the ball...
Like LOL... Parallex error? It didn't hit any pin.

Lovely green. =)
OHHHH What's up?

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! SIAO SIAO SIAO... I was laughing throughout the 10 seconds of taking this picture.

K a better shot. Just that Iskandar's blocked by our Fairy Godmama (Sheng Yang). You noticed that there are actually 3 balls in this picture? 3rd ball = Shawn

Gang Picture~

JazZoo posted at 6:18 PM
